![Would You Like To Meet An Angel](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/7f/4b/55/7f4b55f8c0f89b55a86500f7037bbecb.jpg)
Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/7f/4b/55/7f4b55f8c0f89b55a86500f7037bbecb.jpg
A long time ago, I read about St. Bartholomew who was one of the first who went on record stating that angels may be identified by a trailing and wonderful fragrance. The unexplained scent of roses or pines in the air may be a clue that an angel has passed by. He said that the refreshing smell of a rich pine forest is associated with angels on a healing mission. A sandalwood fragrance is associated with healing angels. Sandalwood is also associated with protection from negative energies. A scent may indicate angels who have come with creative and inspirational messages or suggestions. Personally, I have never detected a scent when angels are present. In other words, experiences differ and there are no set rules.
Angels appear in many sizes and colors. They usually look ageless and absolutely flawless. One of the ways that you may recognize an angel's presence is through a feeling of peace and warmth flowing through your mind and body. This can be true even if the angel is not seen. Their messages are clear and positive and not an experience that you would likely forget. One of the most stunning personal experiences occurred when I was alone and praying. I became aware of a large globe that looked like a vehicle of transportation. Within it stood three luminous beings. Their combined energy was so overwhelmingly beautiful and good that I immediately fell to my knees weeping in joy. I felt the room, including the floor, was holy ground. As mystical and sacred as this experience was for me, many angelic happenings are very practical and lifesaving.
I have always found it fascinating how the angels will briefly appear in human form to help us in a time of need. This amazing wonder has happened to me several times and to many others. For instance, several senior ladies that I know were driving on an isolated road in Wisconsin. When a flat tire occurred, they were at a loss as to what to do. Only a few minutes had elapsed and a young man appeared near the car asking my friend, Miriam, if she would like help with the tire. Of course, she said yes. In no time at all, the spare was put in place. Miriam turned her back to the man as she looked in her purse, which was sitting on the front seat. Although the stranger never asked for payment for his services, she wanted to thank him in some way for his generous act of kindness. When she was ready to hand him the money, he had disappeared. What was interesting about this incident is that the ladies were stuck in an isolated area and no cars, buildings or activity could be seen anywhere. It is safe to say that we need to pay closer attention to who walks unexpectedly into our lives. The individual may be an angel in disguise. Perhaps, you have already met an angel and did not recognize who it actually was.