Rabu, 25 April 2018

Use of Mobile Apps and its Benefits in the Transportation and Logistics Industry

Use of Mobile Apps and its Benefits in the Transportation and Logistics Industry

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/mobilitydriveslogisticsfleetmanagementindustry-131115082729-phpapp01/95/mobility-in-logistics-fleet-management-industry-5-638.jpg?cb=1408596253

With the development of smart phones and various technologies integrated with them, owners of transportation and logistics companies are also focusing and taking advantage of mobile applications. With over millions of transportation companies dispersed all over the world, it is important that they remain connected to offer a better service to their clients. The market pressure has an increased demand for timely delivery, accurate status, shorter cycle time, lower costs, frequent deliveries and zero tolerance for mistakes. In order to meet all such critical requirements, the companies are turning more to technology solutions.

Most of the mobile application development enables the users to access train, bus and flight schedules from internet accessible phones and these applications are easily available on iPhones and other wireless devices that can give real time updates and help you with the bookings of tickets also. The motive behind implementing the latest mobile app development is to automate the entire process of transportation while following a similar trend of the corporate world.

Delivering the products at the right time and to the right destination requires meticulous monitoring. The tracking of cartons, pallets that are constantly loaded in and out of trains, trucks and even airplanes has to be maintained thoroughly. It is here that mobile applications enable remote access to logistics database that can simplify the task and ensure timely delivery of the products. For drivers, the GSM or the GPRS technology gives them remote access to the database while on road and they can easily find the particular goods in their trucks and update the delivery status. This enables the managers to remain well informed and provide accurate delivery status to the customers.

Paper works always slow down the process and the integration of mobile application development enables the transportation company to eliminate paperwork and maintain accurate data that is the key factor to success. Gone are the days when drivers used to use paper maps to locate a destination. With the latest development in technology and a smart phone in hand, drivers can easily locate the destination and make deliveries more efficiently. Rapid access to detailed information, updated status of delivery information creates more efficient operations and improved clients services. Successful real time sales benefits from having complete knowledge of your inventory helps you to take decisions on what might be alluring to the customers based on selling trends.

Mobile application development enables people to remain connected and also helps the business to significantly reduce their operating costs. In essence, mobile applications do provide the opportunity to streamline the approach and attain operational efficiency in the transportation industry. Considering technology as means of communication between the customers help in booking loads or tickets, where both agents and the carriers can find easy means to remain connected and updated about the latest schedules and delivery status.

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